Launch Day!
Launch Day!
Here at Oddi Love we are beyond excited to finally be official. It is a dream come true to be able to pursue a lifelong passion and watch it unfold before our eyes. Oddi Love has been in the works since designer Jessica Oddi was studying art and design in college, but the brand and ideas are rooted in her childhood. Jessica has a fine tuned eye for color and pattern. Designing and sewing is in her blood. Her Mom Lynda had a workout wear line in the 80’s called Oddi Bodies and some of Jessica's earliest memories include wrapping herself in all the colorful fabrics and making clothes for her dolls while her mom sewed. Growing up in the then, quaint, small town of Redondo Beach, Jessica's childhood beginnings are imprinted with the influence of early California surf and beach culture. Later she and her family would go on to live in her Moms home of New Zealand during her High School years, then on her own back to California for University followed by a few years in Hawaii in her mid twenties. Although both are incredibly beautiful places her heart was rooted in California and therefore she was always pulled back to her home and its unique culture.
Jessica is a maker of all sorts. Oddi Love is the product of one in particular but it pulls from all areas of her life and from other creatives she is influenced by.
“I cant deny the heavy influence that my childhood places on my creative work but I also have such an appreciation for the quality and love put into handmade goods. I am so curious about the creative process and the stories about the makers.”
Here at Oddi Love we have a huge list of creatives we are inspired by and we look forward to sharing their stories and brands with you here on our Blog. Oddi Love has many exciting products in the works that we look forward to releasing in time for our Spring/Summer 2016 collection. Please enjoy shopping for your Oddi Love hat and don't forget to tag yourself in your new hat with #myoddilove for a chance to be featured on our site.
We want to Thank You for stopping by and checking us out.